Get Started

Creating a New EasyNode Project

Create a new app and run with babel-node

    git clone
    git checkout origin/helloworld
    //There, you input company's name, project's name, port, author
    npm install

Now lift the server

    cd bin
At this point, if you visit (http://localhost:8899/) you will see the default home page. Now, let's get EasyNode to do cool stuff.

Create a new app and run with node in the container

* Step 1: run the container

    docker run -d hujb2000/easynode:6.2.0 /bin/bash

    The command will output the container id:

* Step 2: Copy the code of easynode-helloworld to your host's directory

    docker cp ef35:/usr/src/easynode/examples/easynode-helloworld easynode-helloword

* Step 3: generate the Scaffolding


mount the easynode-helloworld directory to the container:

docker run -ti -v `pwd`/easynode-helloworld:/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app/ hujb2000/easynode:6.2.0 /bin/bash root@8fac0aa67200:/usr/src/app# sh current working directory is : /usr/src/app now it is: Thu Jun 16 04:24:57 UTC 2016 welcome to easnynode! Please input company'name: netease Please input project'name: monitor Please input http server's port: 8899 Please input author's name: hjb sed: can't read : No such file or directory sed: can't read : No such file or directory sed: can't read : No such file or directory sed: can't read : No such file or directory Company: netease Project: monitor AUTHOR: hjb PORT: 8899 root@8fac0aa67200:/usr/src/app#

* Step 4: move the dependencies.

    root@8fac0aa67200:/usr/src/app# mv ../easynode/node_modules/ .

* Step 5: Run the container

    cd bin

You open the ip is assigned to the container) in the browser, You will see the output "Hello World!".