Demo for NOS

Demo for NOS

What is NOS?

NOS(Netease Object Storage) is a cloud storage platform based on a distributed file system. Users can easily upload and download files of various sizes through a simple RESTful API on various platforms, and can easily view resource usage statistics. Now it is only for internal users, in the future will be open to external users.

How to USE NOS?

  • Step 1: Apply a barrel

Go to the NOS service platform to apply a barrel. In there you will get the config. such as

    "nos": {
    "urlPath": "",
    "accessKey": "",
    "secretKey": "",
    "bucket": ""
  • Step 2: Code Fragement

in the {COMPANY}/{PROJECT}/routes/Route.js, add this line.

httpServer.addRoute('post', '/upl', Controllers.upload(httpServer));

in the {COMPANY}/{PROJECT}/backend/Main.js

    var configUrl = process.env.CONFIG_URL;
    var config = {};
    if( configUrl.startsWith('http') ){
         config = yield HTTPUtil.getBinary(configUrl);
    } else {
        config = yield fs.readFile(configUrl,'utf8');
    config = JSON.parse(config);

in the {COMPANY}/{PROJECT}/controllers/Controllers.js

         * @api {get} /upl/ 上传文件
         * @apiName upload
         * @apiGroup NOS
         * @apiPermission
         * @apiVersion 0.0.2
         * @apiDescription
         * @apiParam {Object[]} multipart 文件对象,这里仅允许每次请求一个文件
         * @apiSampleRequest

         * @apiSuccess {String} url NOS_URL
         * @apiUse
      static upload(app) {
        var supportFileTypes = '^.*.(?:jpg|png|gif)$';
        var regEx = new RegExp(supportFileTypes);

        return function *() {
          var session = this.session;
                  // if( session.hasOwnProperty('firms') ){
                  //    delete session.firms;
                  // }
          this.state.upload = 0;
          if (this.method.toLocaleLowerCase() == 'post') {
            var hasError = false;
            var filename = '';
            var url = '';
            var parts = yield* multipart(this);
            for (const file of parts.files) {
              if (file.filename.match(regEx)) {
                var storeService = new StoreService(app);
                url = yield storeService.uploadNos( + encodeURIComponent(file.filename), file.path);
                filename = file.filename;
              } else {
                this.status = 403;
                this.body = `403 Forbidden : Unsupported type of upload file [${file.filename}]`;
                hasError = true;                // ignore downstream middleware

            this.type = 'json';
            this.body = {url:url};
          } else {
            EasyNode.DEBUG && logger.debug('multipart must post');

in the {COMPANY}/{PROJECT}/services/StoreService.js

           * key:  object key, can be date object
           * filename: 文件名
           * */
       uploadNos(key, filename) {
         var me = this;
         var cfg =;
         return function *() {
           var url = '';
           let nos =  new Nos(cfg.public,,cfg.accessKey, cfg.secretKey, cfg.bucket);
           try {
             var ret = yield nos.upload(key, filename);
             url = ret.url;
             EasyNode.DEBUG && logger.debug(`upload object key is ${key} and url is ${ret.url}`);
           } catch (e) {
             EasyNode.DEBUG && logger.error(e);
             nos = null;
             //var downInfo = yield me.downloadNos(key);
             //EasyNode.DEBUG && logger.debug(downInfo.url);
             return url;

           * key:  object key, can be date object
           * filename: 文件名
           * */
       downloadNos(key) {
         var me = this;
         var cfg =;
         return function *() {
           let nos = new Nos(cfg.public,,cfg.accessKey, cfg.secretKey, cfg.bucket);

           var ret = '';
           try {
             ret = yield nos.getObject(key,cfg.expires);
           } catch (e) {
             EasyNode.DEBUG && logger.error(e);
           nos = null;
           return ret;
  • Step 3 : Test

in the test/src/NosTest.js

it('nos upload',function (done){`${key}`)
            .end(function(err, res){
                // Do something
                    var url = JSON.parse(res.text).url;
                    //assert.equal( url , `http://${}${key}`);

    it('jpg download',function (done){
            var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('test/mock/2.jpg');
            writeStream.on('finish',() => {
                console.log("All writes are now complete");
            } );
            writeStream.on('error',(e) => {
            } );

    it('nos download',function (done){
        var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('test/mock/3.jpg');
        writeStream.on('finish',() => {
            console.log("All writes are now complete");
        } );
        writeStream.on('error',(e) => {
        } );
  • Step 4: Run the NosTest

cd bin;  CONFIG_URL='../config/config.json' sh
cd ..; npm test